
Archive for February 11th, 2009

Welcome to Confiding in You,  a blog for anyone who needs to get something off his/her chest and who doesn’t have anyone else to tell that the best thing in the world, or the worst, just happened.  Here,  in this anonymous web world, I hope you are able to share your fears, secrets, desires, regrets, grief  AND joys and other special or unique happenings in your life.  You might be inspired by the life experiences and challenges you read from others.   And maybe you can share your unique perspective about them.  Maybe you’ve kept a secret so old that you have to get it out, but it might hurt too many in your personal life to tell.  Tell it here.

After living on this planet for 40+ years, I realize that so much of what we experience is fairly universal.  We struggle through the teenage years and can’t wait to be “a grown up.”    We grow up, many of us marry and have kids.  Some tackle college and some jump right into the real world of independence.  We have jobs we like or hate, or both sometimes.  The kids make us nuts but also bring us such joy.  Well, not always.  I have some friends that might disagree with that.  And that is the point of this blog.  Finding a connection with someone else who might have some pearls of wisdom to offer the world as well as kinship.

Just to be clear, I am not a  counselor or psychologist.  I, like many of you, have my own set of challenges.   When  I was at a crossroad and had no one to talk to,  Confiding in You is that place I wish I had had to unburden myself.   I had experienced some things that I thought no one else had and I felt very alone.   Interestingly enough, I also had some great insights into myself but no one to share them with.   I looked in book stores and I scoured the web searching for some place I could share my self with.  I was looking for a place like Confiding in You.

I know, I know, you think this blog is just for “bitching and moaning.”  Not true!  We  want to hear about how beautiful your daughter looked when she walked down the aisle at her wedding on her journey to a new life .  We want to hear about that hot new guy at work  that just asked you out, except (oops) he’s married!  And what about your dreams for the future?  We are never too old to stop dreaming.  I’m back in school after 20 years and am finally on my way to realizing my dream, part of which is to write to be heard.  It’s exciting and intimidating, all at the same time.  I bet many of you can relate.  Please share!

When life sucks, it’s nice to know you’re not alone.  And when something terrific happens and you are bursting to share it with someone NOW, this is the place for you to post those thoughts and feelings!

Welcome aboard!

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