
Archive for September 10th, 2009

Scorn for Obama—what is the reason behind the hatred? Rush Limbaugh calls him a Nazi, Hitler and a socialist. For what purpose? When Bush was being lambasted by liberals while he was in office, I don’t recall words akin to those being directed at him. He was sort of like that likeable kid in school that hung out with the cool, popular kids but everyone knew he came up short and was a little “off.” This hatred directed toward Obama, however, is deeper than the disgust that liberals felt for Bush the Second.

But why would conservatives like Rush feel the need to use such hateful expletives? Is it for the love of country? Possibly. Is it for ratings? Sure. Does it perpetuate fear among his audience who is convinced that any other “liberal” media will take control of their minds? Maybe. Is it for self-aggrandizement? Rush Limbaugh? Of course. For God? I’m pretty sure Rush has bigger idols than God. Well, maybe not, wasn’t he required to attend a 10-step program years ago after that little “felonious” drug incident—I guess he probably needed God then. Is it about money? Duh. It’s always about the almighty paper that is more valued than the paper the Bible is printed on, no matter what he, and his gang of do-gooders, might say to the contrary.

Rush, Hannity, Beck and Palin—a gang of four. Only they don’t meet in the middle of the woods at night, with torches, attired in white costumes, their faces disguised in American-grown cotton-percale—they are politely invited into our living rooms and on Facebook, with assurances of their patriotism.

Tonight during the United States President’s address to Congress about healthcare, South Carolina representative, Joe Wilson, yelled out during this nationally televised speech and called Obama a “liar.” Granted, his peers in the chamber did “boo” at him, and he subsequently apologized, but the damage has been done. Evidence, perhaps, that the good white folks don’t like being led by a man of color.

Ironically, Obama talked about the character of America—with it’s unique self-reliance and healthy skepticism of government—and attempted to remind Congress and TV viewers of our heritage—our ability to want to succeed AND to help others who are struggling, recognizing that sometimes well-thought out government intervention is what is needed to ensure that the vulnerable don’t slip through the cracks.

Take a look at this hateful rhetoric: http://boards.history.com/topic/Current-Events/Patriot-Joe-Wilson/510006664 This blogger refers to Mr. Wilson as a “patriot” for calling Obama a liar. I think reasonable people can agree that it’s inappropriate and UNpatriotic to call the president of the free world a liar during a televised broadcast. Shit, even the Republicans on the floor clapped here and there and stood to support the president. They did it to show support for more than the few ideas with which they agreed with Obama—they rose to show respect to our country and deference to President Obama. Shame on you, Mr. Wilson. Shame on you, Rush, Hannity, Beck and Palin.

I suspect if President Obama wasn’t so tan and had an American name like, “Bill,” “Jim,” “Joe,” “Billy-Bob” even, that the hatred wouldn’t exist—it would just be benign disgust.

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